Accessing well and monitoring data

Well and monitoring data are data on water wells, such as stratigraphic logs, borehole construction logs or pumping test data, as well as groundwater parameters measured multiples times at the same locations, usually in wells but also sometimes in springs. Well and monitoring data can be accessed in the dedicated section under Data. Data appear on a map. Clicking on a data point opens a side panel providing some information about the data point, including monitoring data if available. The full list of information associated with the data point can be accessed by clicking on View Full Record.

Well and Monitoring Data

Well and Monitoring Data section

Well and Monitoring Data, side panel

Well and Monitoring Data attributes box

It is also possible to visualize the data in a table, by clicking on the Open attribute table icon. Each row in the table corresponds to a data point. When selecting a data point in the table, you have the possibility to zoom in on the map by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol on the left. All table columns can be sorted by alphabetic order and queried using various filters.

Well and Monitoring Data, accessing the attribute table

Clicking on View Full Record leads to the information page of the data point. It is organized in subcategories: General Information, Drilling and Construction, Hydrogeology, Management, Monitoring Data and Metadata. Only a few fields are mandatory, and it is possible that the data provider did not fill in all the fields available.

Well and monitoring data_data record.GIF

Well and Monitoring Data record

Downloading Well and Monitoring Data

The full database or a part thereof can be downloaded by clicking on Download Well and Monitoring Data, under Data in the top menu. Since all the data are open, it is not necessary to register to download the data, but it is required to fill in the data request form with some personal information. This information is only for administration purposes as it helps GGIS administrators and data providers to improve the service. Users are also invite to specify what data they want to download and from which countries. After filling in the data request form, a download file will be prepared. Once available, a link will be shared to download it. The download files contain the licenses that apply on the data, as specified by the data providers.