Any designation employed and the presentation of material in any of IGRAC’s product (on-line or off-line), such as representation of boundaries and the names of geographical features, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IGRAC, UNESCO, WMO, the Government of the Netherlands or any of IGRAC’s other partners, concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, nor of its authorities and sovereignty on its territory and natural resources, delineation of its frontiers or boundaries nor on the nomenclature used.
For maps and information generated by IGRAC, every effort is made to ensure the maps and information are free of errors but there is no warrant the map or its features are either spatially or temporally accurate or fit for a particular use. Maps and information are provided without any warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied. Maps and information generated by other data providers, but included in any of IGRAC’s products, are the responsibility of the original data providers. Background maps and the library used to search locations in the maps are open source libraries which are not developed or maintained by IGRAC.
Access and download of data in the GGIS is controlled by data providers. Data providers also determine how their data can be reused. Read carefully the licenses and restrictions applied on data (if any) before use. For accessing restricted data, please contact the data provider.